The music in this video is created using the sound collected
at the Solublon
manufacturing site as a sound source.
Solublon, that’s our pride.
Being useful to someone
in the world.
It’s cool.
Solublon, that’s our pride.
Being useful to someone in the world.
It’s cool.

What’s Solublon?
Solublon is a water-soluble plastic film brand that is made available worldwide by the AICELLO CORPORATION. Made primarily of polyvinyl alcohol resin, this film has many features, including being water soluble, oil resistant, static electricity resistant, and biodegradability
For many years, it has been used widely as single dose packaging material for agricultural chemicals, embroidery base films, decorative interior parts of automobiles, and medical and construction materials. In recent years, it has become particularly popular as single dose packaging for detergents (detergent capsules) in homes throughout the world, especially those in Europe and the U.S. Single dose capsules provide consumers with convenience, no direct touch of cleaning chemicals and correct dosing while making for a more sustainable future.
Solublon has become truly useful in a variety of areas of people's lives.
PVA film biodegradability is evaluated through tests conducted as prescribed by the OECD.
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